Hypnotic Awakening Experience

Are you ready to get unstuck & start living your dream life?

Struggling with feeling lost, overwhelmed, or underappreciated in your personal or professional life? The Hypnotic Awakening course is designed to directly address these challenges, guiding you to awaken and harness your inherent strengths.


  • Purpose

  • Potential

  • Confidence

  • Intuition

  • Happiness

  • Creativity

  • Joy

  • Empowerment

  • Connection

  • Soul

  • Truth

  • Self-Awareness

  • Emotional Intelligence

  • Inner Peace

  • Spiritual Connection

  • Mindfulness

  • Creativity

  • Healing

  • Self Love

  • Resilience

  • Gifts

  • Abilities

  • Compassion

  • Authentic Self

  • Healing

  • Gratitude

  • Self Awareness

The Hypnotic Awakening Experience isn’t just about change; it's about a profound and holistic transformation that awakens every aspect of your being. Each awakened trait builds upon the others, creating a comprehensive enhancement of your life. Join us and step into a journey of awakening that will reveal your true potential and reshape your world.


  • Imposter Syndrome

  • Chronic Stress & Anxiety

  • Low Self Esteem

  • Lack Of Confidence

  • Relationship problems

  • Co-Dependency

  • Self Doubt

  • Not Good Enough

  • Lack Of Purpose

  • Procrastination

  • Lack Of Fulfillment

  • Indecision

  • People Pleasing Paradox

  • Lack Of Love

  • Boundary Issues

  • Self Hate

  • Perfectionism

  • Burnout

  • Compassion Fatigue

  • Lack Of Self Care

  • Lack Of Success

  • Inability To Make Decisions

  • Insecurity

  • Anxiety

  • Sleeplessness

Each of these problems represents a profound opportunity for personal growth and transformation, areas where the Hypnotic Awakening Experience will provide valuable insights, tools, and techniques that will help you solve these problems.


  • Purpose

  • Clarity

  • Self Esteem

  • Confidence

  • Great Relationships

  • Deeper Connections

  • Love

  • Intuition

  • Joy

  • Strong Spiritual Connection

  • Inner Peace

  • Fulfillment

  • Results

  • Kindness

  • Reciprocity

  • Emotional Intelligence

  • Unlock My Gifts

  • Creativity

  • Self Awareness

  • Mindfulness

  • Personal Power

  • Inner Strength

  • Authenticity

  • Self Care

  • Success

  • Health

  • Happiness

  • Empowerment

  • Gratitude

  • Courage

  • Inner Wisdom

Each feature of the Hypnotic Awakening course is a stepping stone towards not just surviving, but thriving. Transform your life's challenges into opportunities for growth and experience a profound shift in how you view and live your life. Join us to embark on this transformative journey, where your growth is the pathway to your greatest potential.

Watch the video to find out how to overcome...





People Pleasing

Imposter Syndrome

Hypnosis Session Details

Get Out Of Your Own Way With a Mental & Emotional Purge

In an attempt to change their lives, many people repeat positive affirmations over and over but that doesn't really work because it doesn't get rid of their existing negative beliefs, which overrule the affirmations. What you really need is a mental & emotional purge to eliminate all those negative voices in your head that say “I can't do that”, “I'll look stupid”, "I'm not good enough", "I'm a fraud”, “I can't do this", or "you'll just screw it up anyways, so why try", so the mental & emotional purge is just like upgrading software on your computer... you rewrite the base programming. Without removing the negative, emotions, images, thoughts and beliefs that were already there then you're going to have to spend years, maybe even decades doing meditation & affirmations in an attempt to override them. And it's not your fault that they're there. Most of these negative beliefs and limiting decisions were embedded by your parents and other people so it's not your fault. They just didn't know what they were doing and repeated what their parents did to them and so you got stuck with all this negative programming. The mental & emotional purge will allow you to release this lifetime of negative programming and with the negative voices gone you'll get out of your own way and allow yourself to jump into the best version of you so that you can live your best life, feeling good enough and confident in your self.

Journey Into Your Light and Find Yourself

You can feel the presence of a greater being inside of you, can't you? You can feel that there's so much potential within you and you regret not living the life that you know that you're capable of... and you'll have even deeper regrets if you don't start living your best life now. The real you is trapped in a protective armour that shields your inner being from the harsh realities of the world. Your inner being is a light being that vibrates pure love energy and you will shed the protective armour and reveal your true self. With the journey into your light you'll come to the realization that all love radiates from within and when you shine your light you attract more light and love... and success. If you're working with the law of attraction then this will keep you in the vortex and you'll manifest whatever you want.

Awakening Your Life Purpose

Life without meaning has no passion and if you're not walking your own path and serving your true purpose then your likely serving someone else's purpose not even knowing that you have a path. We will awaken your spirit for a conversation and your spirit knows everything that there is to know about you and so it will answer all of your questions. What is your true purpose?, your mission?, why are you here?, who are you?, Is there a God?, Do we reincarnate?, and they will answer any other question you may have. Profound somnambulism is a hypnotic state where we will summon your subconscious mind, or higher self, or spirit, and it will reveal the source of whatever's been holding you back from living your best life and then fix it.

Quantum Jump Into Your Best Life

You'll identify the version of you that wish your were, the version of you that you would be if there were no obstacles, and we'll take a quantum jump to visit that future version of you so you can find out what you did to get there... and then you'll step into that ideal version of yourself. Just like upgrading a computer we will install that successful future version of you with all the strategies, the beliefs and the feelings of being the successful version of you. You'll step into your empowerment and become your true authentic self. Feeling good about yourself. You'll find your true strengths and your gifts and even heighten them so that you can live your best life... on purpose.

Digitally Delivered Hypnosis Session

Access anywhere at anytime with your connected digital devices.

Session content is delivered by video in a digital course format.


Introduces you to the course and explains what to do and what to expect from the course.

Over 4 hours worth of content in a convenient video format.


These videos are part of the pre-talk and help to prepare you mentally for your hypnosis session & the change work we are about to do.

Frames are like putting on a new pair of glasses and they help you to see things from a new perspective. A perspective that helps you to solve your problems.

Once the session is over, these tools will help you to navigate life so much easier.

How To Do Hypnosis

The hypnotic trance is a learned skill & the more you know the better the experience will be.

Complete training on how to do a hypnotic trance.

Exercises to practice what you've learned.

Hypnosis Session

The hypnosis session is about 75 minutes long & can be done from the convenience of your most comfortable chair or even while laying in bed.

Includes a short pre-talk to help you prepare & a post talk to help guide you on how to get the most out of your results and what to do after your session.


Hi there!
I'm Jeff Broomfield.
I'm trained as a master hypnotist & a trainer of hypnosis. I'm also a master practitioner & trainer of NLP. I've studied many different modalities of hypnosis including Dolores Cannon's Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique, I'm a level 2 QHHT practitioner, BQH - Beyond Quantum Healing, Profound Somnambulism is another. I use Ericksonian hypnosis, Kinetic Shift and many other techniques that I've studied or read about.

I've overcome the same issues that I help others overcome and so that makes me the perfect guide for this journey.



Special introductory pricing will only be available for a short time so hurry & join now before the price goes up


  • Instant access from any connected digital device 24x7

  • Over 4 hours of video content

  • Video hypnosis session over 1 hr long

  • Frames to prepare you mentally & give you tools for your new life

  • Hypnosis training & practice videos so you know how to do hypnosis for the best experience possible.

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Looking for a live session? Find my main website at https://JeffBroomfield.com

Results may vary from person to person. We guarantee the very best service using current information and appropriate hypnotic techniques for your situation. Hypnosis and hypnotherapy are not meant to diagnose or treat any disease, but rather it is intended to provide information, education, and motivation that will help to you live to your best potential and guide you toward being more effective in helping yourself.

Jeff Broomfield Hypnosis offers services worldwide via Zoom sessions and also provides in person hypnosis session in beautiful Paris, Ontario, Canada. Located in the County of Brant about halfway between London & Toronto. Also serving Brantford, Cambridge, Hamilton, Woodstock, Simcoe, Long Point, Kitchener, Guelph, Waterloo and surrounding areas. It's worth the drive to Paris.

Copyright © Jeff Broomfield 2024. All Rights Reserved.